Friday, February 26, 2010

The Stuff Inbetween

I've been on a shoot all week. In at 2am, out the door the next morning between 8 and 10. I have to say it sucks, but it's part of the job and it's always amazing to watch art being created before your eyes.

Needless to say, I haven't seen much of Dashell this week. My heart breaks when I think about all I've been missing. And I think he's felt my absence as well...

The other day, he climbed up to the landing of our stairs and sat down. Our nanny asked him what he was doing and he replied, "Thinking." "What are you thinking about?" she continued. And the response..."Mommy."

I melted when I heard this story.

The next morning, when he woke up I went in to spend a little time with him before I had to run off. I gave him a kiss and said,"Do you know I missed you yesterday?" He replied, "Missing you... Mommy.... working. Hug." He then wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me the squeeze I needed to get through another day without him.

I'm looking forward to spending a little time at home next week.

I miss my son.


Alex @ EEAD said...

aw what a sweetheart you have!

A Blissful Nest said...

This made my heart ache since I feel this way too! I miss you all.

Best When Used By said...

Such a sweet and pensive little boy. It must both tug at, and warm, your heart to know he too is thinking about and missing you. I hope you have some wonderful moments together next week.

gma said...

What a beautiful story! Dashell truly loves his mommy!

nickoletta100 said...

OH so glad you will get a little break this week!!

Lorraine said...

What a sweetie! It's hard to be away for those kinds of hours, but at least it's temporary, right?

We really should get together some day so you can give me the lowdown on boy stuff. I am so looking forward to having a sweet boy of my own!

Fulanita said...